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2022 Charitable Donations
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Dear Julie,

I can't tell you how much your visit meant to me today . Thank you so much for everything, thank you for the dining chairs, thank you for your donation, thank you four your good heart, thank you for your son and your hustband for helping, but most of all Thank God for your beautiful angel Nicole, all of this is possible because of her.


Dear Julie Dondero:


Many, many thanks for your support with a generous donation 

to provide a ballistic vest for K-9 Fox, partner of the Marshfield Police Department in memory of Nicole Dondero. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.


Such generosity is tremendously appreciated, as it makes possible to

continue our efforts, building on 22 years of success; generous support

from donors like you and tireless efforts of our volunteers has provided

 • over 620 bullet-protective vests (including 160 specialized SWAT vests)

 • 390 K9 First Aid Kits across Massachusetts

 • Awards of  $634k in grant funds, sponsorships and community-partnership fundraising, for bite suits & sleeves, outdoor & cruiser kennels, cruiser heat detector/alarm & remote door popper systems, a narcotics safe, SWAT K9 training equipment, funding for K9 program implementation, funding three K9 training conferences and purchasing dogs for K9 police work!


We extend our heartfelt thanks to you for opening your heart and helping

pave the way towards our common goal, to help support Massachusetts

police dogs, and truly "help protect the dogs who help protect you!"


With sincere gratitude,


Massachusetts Vest-a-Dog, Inc. is an independent, all-volunteer,

non-profit 501(c)3 organization, Tax ID#45-0592275, whose mission is to

Support Massachusetts Police Dogs, by helping provide bulletproof K9

vests, essential equipment, training & dogs.

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Sunshine Farm Sanctuary
Thank you for your donation!

Bloom — A Place for Girls

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